Dog breeds are here for lovers of golden retrievers, collies, poodles, huskies, sheepdogs, German
shepherds, beagles, other special breeds of dogs and good old lovable mutts. You'll find fun T-shirts,
cozy sweatshirts, warm hoodies, plus other adult and children's clothing and baby clothes. We also
carry unique gifts for dog lovers in our clothing and gift shop section dedicated to favorite dog breeds.

CafePress no longer allows links to subsections of a shop, but you can visit our CafePress shop storefront and then click on the "I LOVE MY DOG" section to see all our current products.

Dog breeds I love dogs sample

To find all our I LOVE MY DOG breeds, please click here.

•Our I LOVE DOGS T-shirts and other clothing come with lively silhouettes of each canine breed, all drawn by artist
and animal lover Barbara Freedman-De Vito. Unique dog gifts combining words with sharp canine graphics include
tote bags, fridge magnets, doggie buttons, dogs on mugs, and other keepsakes, but please note that CafePress
sometimes changes the availability of specific products.

•You can create unique gift sets by mixing and matching striking T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, jerseys, caps and
other adult apparel, children's clothing, baby clothes and more great items, all decorated with a silhouette of your 
one favorite canine breed or with our multiple breeds design. Alternately, you might purchase several different I
LOVE MY DOG breeds designs to start a collection of doggie mugs or canine magnets and such for yourself, or to
give to all the animal lovers you know. All our pet design shops share one single shopping basket, so you can
purchase animal lover adult and children's clothing and fun gifts with many different designs, all using a single
checkout procedure.

Below are just a few examples of the types of dog gifts, T-shirts and other clothing we offer:

Dog breeds tote bagsYorkies Yorkshire terriers T-shirtsLab dog breed Labrador retrievers on capsCollies T-shirts

Westies dogs West Highland terriers on T-shirtsI love my mutt dog breeds teesBeagle dogs messenger bagsPoodles sweatshirts

Golden retrievers dog gifts like tile boxesOld English sheepdogss on baby clothesBulldogs gifts of magnetsCoton de Tulears clothing

To find all our I LOVE MY DOG breeds, please click here.

Thank you for checking out our dog breeds. We have other family-oriented themes in our shops that you may also enjoy.
They all share a single shopping cart so you can buy apparel and canine gifts from all our family shops with just one
simple checkout and payment.
Cat gifts and I LOVE MY CAT clothing
Children's clothing, baby clothes, family gifts and clothing,
plus children's stories from Baby Bird Productions
Travel souvenirs on clothes and lovely gift items
I LOVE MY DOG breeds on adult and children's clothing and baby clothes and canine design keepsakes from Baby Bird
Productions. Copyright: Barbara Freedman-De Vito, since 2003. All rights reserved.